JSON setting for 10Mhz Channel?

I'm wanting to use the preconfigure tool, however it doesn't preconfigure for 10Mhz channels. Looking at the JSON the preconfigure tool creates I assume the setting is this setting:

"scan_chanbw":    "3",
"cell_units":    "1",
"rate_maxmcs":    "12"

I'm guessing it is the scan_scanbw that controls the channel widths. What would that need to be set to, to scan 10Mhz channels?

Hello Robert,

You are right, scan_chanbw is parameter which controls bandwidth selected for scanning.
3 is default value for 20+40 MHz.
1 - 20 MHz,
2 - 40 MHz,
4 - 5 MHz,
8 - 10 MHz,
15 can be used for 5+10+20+40 MHz.
It is binary mask so you can easily calculate needed combination.

Thank you.


Awesome, Thanks!

Can you double check those numbers?

I used 9 which should have been 10+20 but ended up with 5+20.

Iā€™m sorry, my bad.

Correct one:
1 - 20 MHz,
2 - 40 MHz,
4 - 10 MHz,
8 - 5 MHz,

Thank you.

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Thanks again sir!

Setting it to 5 indeed gave me 10+20