LINKPlanner v4.8.8 Now Available

A new release of the LINKPlanner is available from

The Windows version of this release is now a Cambium signed executable.

The key features of 4.8.8 are:

New or changed features

  • cnReach
    • Update part numbers for 900 and 220 MHz products to Revision B models
  • PTP 700
    • Obsolete PTP 700 Lite parts
    • Obsolete PTP 700 kits, all contents of the kits are still available as individual parts and BOM has been updated to show the individual parts instead of the previous kit part numbers.
  • PMP 450
    • Notify 5 GHz CLIP Antenna is pending obsolete
  • PTP 820
    • Added PTP 820C MIMO or Protection Management Cable to top of Optional Extras list, so that it is more visible.
    • Removed 10GE port activation key from Optional Extras as not yet used by PTP 820 products
  • General
    • Added new functionality to user defined antennas to allow antennas to be defined as Vertical or Horizontal as well as Single (Either) or Dual and updated first column to reflect this selection. Single (Either) refers to antennas that are single polarization but can be installed as either Vertical or Horizontal polarization.


Two new fields have been added to the User Defined antenna menu. All existing single polarization antennas will be mapped to Single (Either).

When selecting an antenna from an antenna list the list will only contain Polarization options which match the equipment polarization if available.

  • Update parts which were notified as pending obsolete to obsolete (PTP 800)
  • Obsolete Grounding Lug Kit (WB1812)
  • Replaced UGPS parts with cnPulse parts

Bug Fixes

  • Re-introduced missing custom antennas for cnReach
  • Corrected feeder loss and missing BOM parts for PTP 820i 2x1+0 Unit Redundancy
  • Forced rules to re-run when any path is modified for 1+1 Spatial Diversity links.
  • Corrected 400 and 700 MHz cnReach omni antenna patterns to remove notch of missing data from 172 to 180 degrees.

Also affects 900 MHz Horizontally polarized omni antenna and L-Com 5.8 GHz omni antenna but to a lesser extent as these are only missing 0.5 to 1 degree of data.

Any word from the team when you guys plan to start tieing linkplanner and cnmaestro together, being able to pull a network (SM, AP, Towers) from cnMaestro into link planner and do analysis would be pretty nice

I am sorry that we have not been able to progress this any further since your previous request a couple of weeks ago.

It is on our list and we will update you as soon as we can.

