List Of Syslogs Supported On cnPilot APs

Below is the list of syslogs supported on cnPilot APs w.r.t 3.2.1-r6 firmware image

Syslogs Description
 clientConnected  Client [client] connected to wireless lan [wlan]
 clientDisconnected  Client [client] disconnected from WLAN [wlan], after [age] secs and used [data] bytes
 clientDisconnectInfo  Client [client] disconnect-info [reason]
 clientRadiusAuthSuccess  RADIUS authentication success for client [client] on wireless lan [wlan]
 clientRadiusAuthReject  RADIUS authentication rejected for client [client] on wireless lan [wlan] by server [server]
 clientRadiusAuthTimeout  RADIUS authentication timed out for client [client] on wireless lan [wlan] server [server]
 clientRadiusAcctTimeout  Client [client] RADIUS accounting timeout on server [server]
 clientLdapAuthSuccess  LDAP authentication success for client [client] on wireless lan [wlan]
 clientLdapAuthReject  LDAP authentication rejected for client [client] on wireless lan [wlan] by server [server]
 clientLdapAuthTimeout  LDAP authentication timed out for client [client] on wireless lan [wlan] server [server]
 clientGuestLoginSuccess  Guest Client [client] logged in on wireless lan[wlan]
 clientGuestLogoutSuccess  Guest Client [client] logged out on wireless lan[wlan]
 clientWpa2InvalidPsk  Client [client] failed handshake on wireless lan [wlan] due to invalid pre-shared key
 clientEroamDisconnected  Client [client] disconnected from wireless lan [wlan] due to enhanced roaming
 dynAuthDisconnectReq  Received Dynamic Authorization Disconnect-Request from [server] for client [client]
 dynAuthCoaReq  Received Dynamic Authorization CoA from [server] for client [client]
 acsTriggeredOnRadio  Triggered auto channel selection on radio [radio-num]
 acsChannelSwitch  Channel switched to [channel] on radio [radio-num]
 chanwidthChange  Channel width on radio [radio-num] fallback to [BW]
 autorfChannelSwitch  Channel switched to [channel] on radio [ridx]
 autorfTxpower  Configured txpower [txpower] on radio [ridx]
 nfChannelSwitch  Channel switched from [channel] to [cchannel] on radio [radio-num] due to NF
 restartingProcess  Restarting unresponsive process [procname]
 lowMemoryRestart  Restarting system, free memory [freemem] lower than threshold
 configApplied  System configuration change applied
 ccNotset  Country Code is not Configured
 configDefaulted  System configuration was reset to default
 configCapPower  The radio power is capped to regulatory max
 fwUpgradeFailed  System firmware upgrade failed [reason]
 fwUpgradeSuccess  System firmware was successfully upgraded to [firmware]
 watchdogReset  System rebooted due to watchdog reset
 renewInterfaceIp  Renewed the interface IP on ethernet link [ifname] status move to up and running state
 adminReboot  Administrator initiated system reboot
 tunnelUp  Tunnel on interface[interface] is up and running
 tunnelDown  Tunnel on interface[interface] went down
 pppoeConnected  PPPOE tunnel on interface[interface] connected successfully
 pppoeDisconnected  PPPOE tunnel on interface[interface] disconnected successfully
 pppoeAuthFailed  PPPOE on interface[interface] authentication failed. Username:[username]
 monitorHostDown  Disabling WLAN [wlan] as monitor host [server] is unreachable
 monitorHostUp  Disabling WLAN [wlan] as monitor host [server] is unreachable
 ipAssigned  client [mac], assigned [type] IP [ip] from DHCP pool [pool]