login session expired,I cant be logged on more tha one AP at the same time in the same web browser

I have 3 epmp 1000 APs in a tower. Each AP es mapped  to a public IP address with dirferent tcp port for remote access.>208.150.x.x:12010>208.150.x.x:12020>208.150.x.x:12030
Everything works well when accessing only one AP by typing into any web browser the pubic IP address htts://208.150.x.x:12010,but when I open a new tab, and type other AP IP addresss, and type enter, automatically the first AP diplay the mesagge "Your login session has expired. Please login again". I cant be logged on more tha one AP at the same time in the same web browser. But i can be loggeg on the firs AP in Firefox, the second AP in Crhome, and the third AP in iExplorer.

My software version is 2.6

Hi emunoz,

Thank you for your remark.

That is known issue, it is presented in all firmware versions and that issue is already in to do list.

Sorry for inconveniences.

Thank you.

Thanks for your quick response