Looking for specific files from software package

I can’t seem to find these files…anyone?

whisp-tcv2-mib.txt (Textual Conventions MIB), which defines Canopy
system-specific textual conventions
WHISP-GLOBAL-REG-MIB.txt (Registrations MIB), which defines
registrations for global items such as product identities and product
WHISP-BOX-MIBV2-MIB.txt (Box MIB), which defines module-level (AP,
SM, and BH) objects.
WHISP-APS-MIB.txt (APs MIB), which defines objects that are specific to
the AP or BH timing master.
WHISP-SM-MIB.txt (SM MIB), which defines objects that are specific to
the SM or BH timing slave.
CMM3-MIB.txt (CMM3 MIB), which defines objects that are specific to the

You can obtain those here
http://canopywireless.com/softwareupdat … hp?catid=1

The MIBs are included with the software update for the cooresponding device.