Onboarding - 'Claim from cnMeastro' Missing


I'm running cnMaestro Version 1.5.1-r8 on-premises.  Our inventory guy usually scans our PMP 450i SM's into the 'Claim from cnMaestro' page so that the SM is there and known about before onboarding (I'm not really sure what else this is used for, as prepopulating the SM in cnMaestro is all it seemed to actually do).

Recently I upgraded to 1.5.1-r8, and the 'Claim from cnMaestro' tab in the Onboarding tab is missing on the Onboarding page.  The only options are 'Onboard' and 'Claim from Device'

However, our rep that takes care of onboarding SM's is noticing that some SM's are being automatically onboarded since the upgrade.  This is what I would have expected the 'Claim from cnMaestro' to do from the start, but it never did.  I'm guessing there may be lingering SM's that were scanned into the 'Claim from cnMaestro' page before the upgrade, and now with the upgrade cnMaestro is automatically onboaridng them when they come online.

Can someone help to explain:

1) Why the 'Claim from cnMaestro' tab is missing

2) What 'Claim from cnMaestro' is actually supposed to accomplish?



Hi Brian,

The "Claim from cnMaestro" tab was changed to a "Claim Device" button on the Onboard tab.  Is this new button visible?

Claiming devices from cnMaestro accomplishes the following:

  • Allows adding devices to the onboarding queue without entering your Cambium ID/password into the device itself.  PMP SMs are able to onboard without this info if the AP is already onboarded, which may be what you are seeing.
  • Allows pre-setting onboarding options such as Device Name, Location, target firmware version, target configuration, ect. to apply as part of the onboarding process.
  • Allows pre-approving a device so it begins management as soon as it gains connectivity to cnMaestro without an operator needing to click Approve in cnMaestro during hardware installation.



Thanks Jordan... embarrased that I must not have check that.  The documentation from /help/#UG_files/Onboarding Devices/Onboarding.htm shows that it the tab should still exist, so I was thrown off.

Appreicate the help!


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Thanks for pointing out the inconsistency in the documentation.  We'll work to update this.