PMP/PTP 450x: Template for static IP change through cnMaestro

Summary: This article provides a cnMaestro based template to change the IP address of PMP 450 devices.

Cause: When a provider needs to change the static IP address of multiple PMP 450x devices, the following template can help simplify the task

Solution: Add the following lines to a new template under cnMaestro>>configuration>>Templates>> Add template

    "userParameters": { 
      "networkConfig": { 
        "dnsIpState": 1, 
        "lanIp": ${LAN_IP}, 
        "lanMask": ${SUBNET_MASK}, 
        "lanGateway": ${GATEWAY_IP}, 
        "dnsPrimaryMgmtIP": ${DNS_IP_1}, 
        "dnsAlternateMgmtIP": ${DNS_IP_2} 
    "configFileParameters": { 
      "rebootIfRequired": false 
    "cfgFileString": "Canopy configuration file", 
    "cfgFileVersion": "1.0" 

When the template is applied the following fields appear to enter the value:

Note: It is a good practice to push the template to a test device and validate if the desired results are achieved. (362 Bytes)

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