Radio loss of frame

Getting this event about every 20-30 minutes. It however corrects immediately, but I see no packet loss when disconnecting.

The units are 820S sub 7GHz licensed.

Thank you

I suggest you contact technical support, who can help you resolve this issue.

Please see this page:

Be prepared with a LINKPlanner file for the link, and the unit info file for each end of the link. (They can help you download this file from each end of the link.)

You may be asked questions about the RF conditions--be prepared to supply the values for the following parameters:

received power levels,  Mean Squared Error (MSE) values, transmit powers, modulation modes, etc. at each end of the link.

Technical support will then compare LINKPlanner's expectations with what you're actually seeing on the link. They will also ensure that the same script is selected on each end of the link.

I hope this helps!
