Right click on web gui not working

Is anyone else unable to right click in the webgui when trying access the context menu to copy and paste text or fields?

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4 posts were split to a new topic: Unable to use left menu in cnMaestro desktop view on mobile

@Ray_Taylor , can you please confirm the product you are referring to? cnMaestro or cnPilot-R series Web UI?

Cnpilot web gui at

Hi @Ray_Taylor, we can only use ctrl+c, can’t use right click.

Please file a bug report with the firmware developers that right click is not working.

Hi @Ray_Taylor,

Right click is prohibited on the device for security reason, right click could get some source code.


Thats not really a good enough reason to block right click. Preventing right click wont hide the source code as there are other ways to get to the source code. But it does hide the copy and paste menu.

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Hi @Ray_Taylor,

I have checked with the development team, they have deleted right click before since security reason, but users still could reach source code with F12. They can recover it. I have raised a Jira for the same : RBN-1342.


Excellent. I just want to highlight the serial number on
and right click then select “copy”


Fix is available in upcoming release 4.7.4. Will share beta image based on your request.
