Startup WISP needing help

We are starting a WISP in a Rural area in VA. We are still in the research and development stages right now. I really like what I am reading about the Motorola System, but here is my number one question:
How does thick, thick trees effect signals. I have browsed the forums and such, and here is what I come up with.
We are looking to start in the neighborhood where I live. Our neighborhood has approximately 400 homes located in a heavily wooded area on the side of a mountain. None of the homes are more than a mile away from our proposed AP site, but we are in the middle of the Forest. I’m not talking a few trees here and there, I mean many, many large hardwood trees. We are in the Blue Ridge mountain area and not even my next door neighbor who is 500ft away has a clear LOS. I was originally looking at the 5.2, and 5.7 equipment but from what i am reading, those freqs are terrible with foliage.

I have read some on the 900M system and it seems like that may be the way to go for us. Like I said before, no customer off of this AP will be more than one mile away, but all will be shooting through trees.

Please let us know what you think, any comments, concerns or questions feel free to respond

having great results with pine trees down here in the great south…i’d say you can get at least a mile in thick trees…we’ve seen three miles through “patches” of thick trees.

what about going under the trees? that might help for short distances. of course, being so thick, i’m sure the trunks would be in the way as well…

under the trees really isn’t an option either. As long as i can blast up to about a mile away, then I should be okay. My other questions is about the connectorized or non connectorized feature. What is the difference? Which feature should we go with?

Anyone out there using DES vs AES? having any problems with hacking or theft? Looks to me like AES is the more robust feature, but much more expensive!!