Suggested MIR / bandwidth Settings


I’m looking for some suggested MIR settings.
We currently have a 15 Mbps link with approximately 350 customers at the moment. I feel that the bandwidth is probably to far oversubscribed for the bandwidth plan listed below and the number of subscribers we have. I’ve been hearing a number of slow Internet complaints recently.

In an attempt to match what a competitor was advertizing we basically have one bandwidth plan “UP to 3 Mbps Down, Up to 500 Kbps Up”. This maybe isn’t the best choice seeing how most of our clients connect to 900 APs.

We have about:
240 - 900 MHz customers across 11 APs (approx 22 customers per AP)
112 - 2.4 GHz customers across 6 APs (approx 20 customers per AP).

We have a Netequalizer between the main router and the switch that feeds the network. Pretty much set to the defaults. Limiting customers to 25 down and 25 up connections. Bandwidth arbitration kicks in at 90% network utilization. This 90% threshold does get reached at peak hours.

Current MIR Settings
Sustained Downlink: 1000 Kbps
Downlink Burst Allocation: 48000 kbits (6MB)

Sustained Downlink: 500 Kbps
Uplink Bust Allocation: 8000 kbits (1MB)

Should I set the Sustained downlink to a lower value?

The 900 MHz clients are basically limited to a max of 3 Mbps (we have the APs set to 75% downlink). However I still need to implement a 3 Mbps limit at the router for the 2.4 GHz clients. Does anyone know if there is a way to do this for a range of IPs in Mikrotik’s RouterOS? I suspected it would involve the use of queues.

Thanks for your help