template won't apply protocol filter for "All IPv6"

I set up a golden config for our APs using the config file from a new AP.  On the AP->config->protocol filtering, I checked the box for "All IPv6" which also checks and the greys out all the other IPv6 settings.  I then exported the config file and imported it as a template to apply to all our APs.  attached below is the section of the template.  once I apply the template to another AP there is nothing checked in the IPv6 section.  I also tried changing the template so that all the IPv6 parameters=1 but that stopped all traffic to the SM including IPv4 traffic.

"networkConfig": {
"webAutoUpdate": 5,
"lldpBroadcastEnable": 0,
"poeAuxEnable": 0,
"ethernetLinkSpeed": 12,
"packetFilterSmb": 1,
"snmpStatus": 1,
"lanDhcpState": 0,
"packetFilterUser1": 0,
"dnsPrimaryMgmtIP": "",
"packetFilterOtherIpv4": 0,
"enable8023linkBox": 1,
"bridgeEntryTimeout": 25,
"auxPortEnable": 0,
"dnsAlternateMgmtIP": "",
"dnsIpState": 1,
"portFiltering": [],
"tftpStatus": 1,
"packetFilterBootpServer": 1,
"telnetStatus": 1,
"dnsMgmtDomainName": "zirkelwireless.com",
"sessionTimeout": 600,
"localNTPServer": 1,
"webAccess": 0,
"defaultIPAccessEnable": 0,
"packetFilterBootpClientIpv6": 0,
"ftpPort": 21,
"httpPort": 80,
"enableSecurityBanner": 0,
"httpsPort": 443,
"packetFilterMulticastIpv6": 0,
"packetFilterAllIpv6Others": 0,
"ftpStatus": 1,
"poeT2Classification": 0,
"textSecurityBanner": "zirkelwireless.com",
"acceptSecurityBanner": 1,
"packetFilterSnmp": 0,
"packetFilterPppoe": 0,
"packetFilterArp": 0,
"packetFilterUser3": 0,
"packetFilterSmbIpv6": 0,
"packetFilterAllIpv4": 0,
"packetFilterSnmpIpv6": 0,
"packetFilterUser2": 0,
"packetFilterAllIpv6": 1,
"packetFilterAllOthers": 0,
"packetFilterBootpClient": 1,
"packetFilterMulticastIpv4": 0,
"packetFilterBootpServerIpv6": 0,
"packetFilterDirection": 3,

Without seeing the rest of your template structure it is difficult to point out the exact problem.  One common issue is that "networkConfig" must be within "userParameters".

If you don't want to post your whole template email me your configuration file and I can take a look at the structure.  jordan.stipati [.at.] cambiumnetworks.com

also "packetFilterSmbIpv6": 1, doesn't check the box for "SMB IPv6"

here ya go.  (i've replaced paswords and other sensitive data with ******)

"userParameters": {
"snmpConfig": {
"commStringROnly": "******",
"commStringRW": "******",
"snmpPort": 161,
"snmpIpAccessFilter": [
"address": "******",
"netmask": 24
"address": "",
"netmask": 0
"address": "",
"netmask": 0
"address": "",
"netmask": 0
"address": "",
"netmask": 0
"address": "",
"netmask": 0
"address": "",
"netmask": 0
"address": "",
"netmask": 0
"address": "",
"netmask": 0
"address": "",
"netmask": 0
"snmpTrapAddresses": [
"gpsConfig": {
"gpsInput": 4
"cnMaestroConfig": {
"cnMaestroUrl": "https://******",
"cnMaestroEnable": 1
"apSnmpConfig": {
"authDomainNameAppend": 0,
"gpsTrap": 1,
"regTrap": 1
"systemTimeConfig": {
"timeZone": 21
"radioConfig": {
"installationColorCode": 0
"spectrumAnalysisConfig": {
"spectrumAnalysisOnBoot": 0
"apVlanConfig": {
"vlanEnable": 0,
"qinqEthType": 0,
"useAPManagementVIDForICCSM": 0,
"apVlanOverride": 0
"apAuthenticationConfig": {
"encryptionMode": 1,
"authMode": 4,
"userAuthDomainNameAppend": 0,
"disableAuthForICCSM": 0,
"radiusAcctPort": 1813,
"enableRadiusDynAuth": 1,
"radiusPort": 1812,
"authenticationServers": [
"address": "******",
"SharedSecretEncrypted": "******"
"address": "******",
"SharedSecretEncrypted": "******"
"address": ""
"address": ""
"address": ""
"address": ""
"address": ""
"address": ""
"usrAccountEnableAccounting": 0,
"accountingSmReAuthInterval": 1440,
"accountingInterimUpdateInterval": 60
"authenticationConfig": {
"userAuthCertificates": [
"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n******\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n",
"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n******\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"
"authenticationKeyEncrypted": "******",
"whispWebUserAccessMode": 0,
"allowRejectThenLocal": 0,
"whispUsrAuth": 0,
"authKeyOption": 0,
"accounts": [
"userName": "root",
"level": 3,
"readOnly": false,
"passwordEncrypted": "******"
"apRadioConfig": {
"ofdmSMRcvTargetLvl": -52,
"displayAPEval": 0,
"pmp430InteropMode": 0,
"apBeaconInfo": 0,
"colorCodeRescanTimer": 180,
"sectorID": 0,
"smIsolation": 2,
"colorCodeRescanIdleTimer": 0
"rfSecurityConfig": {
"encryptionConfig": 0
"networkConfig": {
"webAutoUpdate": 5,
"lldpBroadcastEnable": 0,
"poeAuxEnable": 0,
"ethernetLinkSpeed": 12,
"packetFilterSmb": 1,
"snmpStatus": 1,
"lanDhcpState": 0,
"packetFilterUser1": 0,
"dnsPrimaryMgmtIP": "******",
"packetFilterOtherIpv4": 0,
"enable8023linkBox": 1,
"bridgeEntryTimeout": 25,
"auxPortEnable": 0,
"dnsAlternateMgmtIP": "******",
"dnsIpState": 1,
"portFiltering": [],
"tftpStatus": 1,
"packetFilterBootpServer": 1,
"telnetStatus": 1,
"dnsMgmtDomainName": "******",
"sessionTimeout": 600,
"localNTPServer": 1,
"webAccess": 0,
"defaultIPAccessEnable": 0,
"packetFilterBootpClientIpv6": 0,
"ftpPort": 21,
"httpPort": 80,
"enableSecurityBanner": 0,
"httpsPort": 443,
"packetFilterMulticastIpv6": 0,
"packetFilterAllIpv6Others": 0,
"ftpStatus": 1,
"poeT2Classification": 0,
"textSecurityBanner": "******",
"acceptSecurityBanner": 1,
"packetFilterSnmp": 0,
"packetFilterPppoe": 0,
"packetFilterArp": 0,
"packetFilterUser3": 0,
"packetFilterSmbIpv6": 0,
"packetFilterAllIpv4": 0,
"packetFilterSnmpIpv6": 0,
"packetFilterUser2": 0,
"packetFilterAllIpv6": 1,
"packetFilterAllOthers": 0,
"packetFilterBootpClient": 1,
"packetFilterMulticastIpv4": 0,
"packetFilterBootpServerIpv6": 0,
"packetFilterDirection": 3,
"diffServ": {
"20": 4,
"1": 0,
"28": 4,
"9": 0,
"19": 0,
"47": 4,
"10": 0,
"21": 4,
"2": 0,
"11": 0,
"50": 0,
"22": 4,
"3": 0,
"49": 0,
"40": 0,
"12": 4,
"51": 0,
"23": 4,
"4": 4,
"41": 0,
"13": 4,
"52": 4,
"24": 0,
"5": 4,
"53": 4,
"25": 0,
"6": 4,
"54": 4,
"26": 0,
"7": 4,
"55": 4,
"27": 0,
"8": 0,
"42": 0,
"14": 4,
"43": 0,
"15": 4,
"44": 4,
"16": 0,
"45": 4,
"17": 0,
"46": 4,
"18": 0,
"57": 0,
"29": 4,
"30": 4,
"31": 4,
"60": 4,
"32": 0,
"61": 4,
"33": 0,
"62": 4,
"34": 0,
"63": 4,
"35": 0,
"36": 4,
"37": 4,
"38": 4,
"39": 4,
"58": 0,
"59": 0
"syslogConfig": {
"syslogMinLevelApPreferred": 1,
"syslogMinLevel": 6
"qosConfig": {
"uplinkBurstAllocation": 2500000,
"prioritizeTcpAck": 1,
"sustainedUplinkDataRate": 155000,
"sustainedDownlinkDataRate": 155000,
"downlinkBurstAllocation": 2500000,
"maxDownlinkDataRate": 0,
"maxUplinkDataRate": 0
"apQosConfig": {
"broadcastRetryCount": 0,
"dlnkBcastCIR": 200,
"dlnkMcastCIR": 1536,
"configSource": 0,
"multicastVCDataRate": 7,
"multicastRetryCount": 0,
"prioritizeMgmtData": 1
"apSyncConfig": {
"gpsOutputEn": 0,
"verifyGPSChecksum": 1,
"frameAlignmentLegacyMode": 0,
"apType": 0,
"freeRunGPSSyncBypass": 0,
"uGPSPower": 0
"apNetworkConfig": {
"dhcpRelayAgentEnable": 0,
"privateIp": "",
"ntpDomainNameAppend": 0,
"tslBridging": 0,
"updateAppAddress": "******",
"bridgeFloodUnknownsEnable": 0,
"untranslatedArp": 0,
"dhcprDomainNameAppend": 0,
"dhcprServer": "",
"ntpServers": [
"networkSecurityConfig": {
"ipAccessFilterEnabled": 1,
"ipAccessFilter": [
"address": "******",
"netmask": 24
"address": "******",
"netmask": 32
"address": "******",
"netmask": 16
"vlanConfig": {
"vlanRemark": {},
"dynamicLearning": 1,
"managementVIDPriorityMode": 0,
"managementVID": 1,
"managementVIDPriority": 0,
"vlanMembership": [],
"agingTimeout": 25,
"frameType": 0,
"priorityPrecedence": 0
"cfgFileString": "Canopy configuration file",
"cfgFileVersion": "1.0"

The format of the data itself looks correct.  I've forwarded this on to one of my colleagues more familiar with these specific settings to get more eyes on it.  One of us will follow up here.

thanks for the follow up.

FYI the format is a direct copy & paste from a config file export of an AP.

Our engineers have determined that this is a bug and will be fixing it in a future device firmware release.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

thanks!  hopefully sooner than later.

Hi Sean,

This has been fixed in device software release v16.0.0.1.