V5000 / V3000 Real world throughput & distance

I can’t tell you too much about range, however, from my lab experience, when the SNR drops below 20 dB, the throughput comes down from 900 Mb/s through my v1000 cn’s. My lab is typical of very poor RF conditions, and I run my equipment at 13 dBm EIRP (max is 38 dBm EIRP) to limit radiation out of my lab, and of course, the range that I’m working is very short - 4-6m at best - I check the short range button for the best performance. Latency is always about 2ms across the link to my router, whether the SNR is 28 or 8 dB, but at 8 dB frame loss creps above 1%, and performance becomes poor - even DHCP to a PC behind the v1000 fails when SNR is that low. The seet spot seems to be 20-24 dB SNR.

A few other tips…do all your configuration in the E2E controller, and let it push the config out to your nodes as they come online. When you set up a device, the last thing you should do is reset it to factory default, and let the E2E push the config to every device (both DN’s (both nodes) and to each cn. If you need to make a change in config, do it in the configuration menu in the E2E controller. As soon as you save it, the parameter is pushed out.

Don’t allow ANY motion (lateral or otherwise) in your devices. Error rates spike when a device moves.

The DN azimuth is very important. Be watchful of the angles between cn connected to different sectors in the v5000. If you have 2 or more cn’s close together, try to put them on the same sector.

This statistics table from the E2E shows very good quality links. This SNR net’s 700-900 Mb/s ipeft TCP service levels from my lab core - the limitation is the v1000’s ethernet port, I think.

As I run more experimentation and network situations in my lab, I’ll update the community. I"m happy to answer any questions that I can.
