What are the limitations of the products in terms of PPS for BH use?

As described, I’d like to know what kind of PPS the connectorized version is capable of if I were to use it as a PTP device?

If ePMP GPS Synchronized radios are used on both sides of the link, the PPS is 30K
If ePMP Integrated radios are used on both sides of the link, the PPS is 17K, although higher numbers have been measured under varying conditions.

Please note that the PTP mode that is currently available is similar to using the radios in PMP mode but with just one subscriber. There are several enhancements being planned to allow the radios to operate in pure PTP mode which will provide improved performance.

Is there a timeline for a more specific PtP mode implementation.

What latency can be expected across a PtP link using integrated radios?
Lots of potential here for inter-building connectivity!

As explained above, the current PTP mode is similar to using the radios in PMP mode but with just one subscriber. The latency will be around 13-17 ms depending on the load on the link.