When should Transmit Frame Spreading be enabled and what is it for?

When should Transmit Frame Spreading be enabled and what is it for?

This feature is designed to randomize the beacon frames transmitted from the AP?s. A scenario that you would enable this feature would be if you had another ISP with the same type of Canopy equipment you have (with both of you on GPS) and this ISP's AP cluster happens to be between your AP cluster and your subscribers.
Without this enabled both AP clusters would be transmitting beacons at the same time and but the ISP would be closer your subscribers which may cause a situation where your subscribers keep locking in on the other ISP's AP cluster because his beacons reach your subscribers first. So they may never attempt to see your AP cluster because the other ISP is closer. So if we randomize this beacon with the transmit frame spreading feature then this will increase the chances of the subscribers seeing both sites rather than just the one that gets the beacon to the subscriber first.