Wrong time in event log

Good evening,

in some PMP 450 we have wrong time. Every time the time set appear it channge the year from 2022 to 2002.


We have the firemware but the problem accours also on

Kind regards

On the AP in Configuration → Time, are there one or more servers set? If so, would it be possible to verify those servers are sending the correct time and that the AP is receiving it (not blocked by firewall, filters, etc)?

There are two places the radio can get the time from:

  • NTP
  • GPS

Normally these give the same time. But there is a issue with some older GPS modules and they send the wrong time. The radio accepts this time, but then it is corrected by NTP (or gets sent proper from the GPS).

We have added an option on later firmware to work around this issue with the GPS modules. Configuration → Time → Current System Time → Allow GPS to set System Time :
Set this to disabled. Then just have your NTP set the time and will no longer have this issue.

At least this bug wasn’t our fault. :slight_smile:


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