20.2.1 throughput issue on 5GHz 450m

4 posts were split to a new topic: MAC address change when moving from to 20.2.1

Sorry for the no response I was away taking some time off. There is one fix in 20.3-B1 and we have found another fix that will be included in 20.3-B2 coming up (hopefully) this week. More details when we post the updated beta load.

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Hello @Charlie ,

this is a great news.

Sincerely yours,

Niragira Olympe

DId 20.3-B2 get pushed back haven’t seen any news on it.

Nope, not yet. We are close but found an issue in internal testing that is delaying it. I’m not sure how long but once we have it fixed we’ll be posting the beta. vs 20.3

16 win, better throughput
