430 -> 450 transition instructions 12.1 or 12.1.2?

Does anybody know, when the instructions say to first upgrade to 12.1, does that literally mean 12.1, or do they mean latest 12.1.x which would be 12.1.2?

I have experienced various strange things upgrading to 12.1.  Like APs and SMs wanting a manual reboot despite reporting they are running on the new FW.  Or some SMs not registering after the upgrade, but if I change the AP frequency they register, and no frequencies are unchecked.

I know they fixed some issues related to unchecked frequencies in 12.1.2, but I'm unclear if we should be upgrading from 11.2 to 12.1 first, or direct to 12.1.2.

Once I get to 12.1, I've had no trouble going to 13.2 or 13.4.1.  It's that jump to 12.1 that scares me.

Hi Ken,

You can upgrade the PMP430 radio software from 11.2 to 12.1.2. Please try upgrading the radio and let us know if you face any issues.


Sanjay Kumar.

OK, I will try that.  I am having terrible problems upgrading SMs over the air to 12.1.  CNUT reports a verification error on many of them requiring a manual reboot.  Some register just briefly after the upgrade and I fear I will need a truck roll to get them back.

I am hoping this was a problem with 12.1 and that I will have better luck going to 12.1.2 before going to 13.4.1.

Hi Ken,

Sure, please let us know if you face any issues and we will assist you on that.

It would be breat if you could share the email and contact details so that we can contact you if you face any issues.


Sanjay Kumar.