450m colocation with 4500

Are there any known issues with colocation of 450m AP’s and the new 4500/4525etc gear? We have a few sites with 450m’s coexisting with 3000’s from other ISP’s. Just wanted to see if we needed to be worried about them deploying the new gear and interfering with the sync and functionality of our 450m gear.

TDD-mode and GPS synchronization are not available in firmware on e4k yet. So there’s no way to sync between the two systems.

Ah ok good deal. We don’t synchronize currently anyway, but we stay away from each other’s frequencies.

If the other operator(s) in your area are willing to coordinate with you then you can use the ePMP-PMP co-location guide here to synchronize with them.

The frame structure across ePMP platforms (e1k-e4k) is similar so the guide is valid despite going back to 2018, but it does lack the additional duty cycles that were recently added beyond the initial three of 75/25, 50/50, 30/70. I spoke to someone in the ePMP team about updating the guide and that will be in the works.

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