4600 and 4600L

Hi all, just playing on linkplanner and I was curious to why I can pick upper or lower and pick a 4600 but not with a 4600L, only lower has 4600 and 4600L. Any insight or just a link planner bug? Thank you!

What version of LinkPlanner are you using (the desktop app or online)? What region are you using?

I just tried LP online with both United States and Canada regions and it seems to work fine:

Thank you for your reply, I am using the online version. Is your pic desktop version?

LP online as stated.


I believe you are trying to use ePMP 4600L in PMP mode.

In PMP mode we need wider beamwidth to cover the subscriber modules, whereas in PTP mode narrow beamwidth antennas are enough to align to each other direction.

ePMP 4600L is a connectorized radio which is supporting external antennas. At the moment we do not know wider beamwidth antennas which support Upper 6 GHz band, which is the reason ePMP 4600L is not listed as an AP in Upper 6 GHz band.


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So there are no sector antennas that can be used with the 4600L? I was hoping to use the 4600L as the sites will only have 30-35 subs.


We don’t currently have the 3D antenna patterns for any compatible sector antennas at this frequency. If you have a particular antenna that you would like to use for your design then we can add it to LINKPlanner. We will also need the data to create the 3D pattern.



Thank you @Andrew_Haywood, in the field is the 4600L with a cambium 90 degree sector antenna usable in both upper and lower frequencies?

Cambium_Networks_data_sheet_ePMP_6GHz_4x4_Sector_Antenna.pdf (1.5 MB)


Appreciate it, do you use the cambium sector or do you use other 3rd party sector antennas?

There are a few horn antennas out there that do full 5.1GHz-6.875GHz . Isohorns makes a 90degree 2x2 6GHz horn with 18dbi gain. It should pair well with a 4600L. We haven’t deployed them yet but plan to in the next week with 4600 4x4 in split sector mode. Ubiquiti also makes a 30deg 2x2 6GHz horn with 19dbi of gain and RF Elements should be releasing their 2x2 6GHz horns soon as well. Keep in mind with Ubiquiti and RF Elements they dont have rp-sma ports natively, they have some kind of twistport waveguide system and you may need an adapter to provide rp-sma connectors.



RF Elements: