5.9 STA & Potential 6Ghz AFC Coordination

If I operate a 450v AP at 5905 Mhz using a 40 Mhz channel what coordination concerns do I have concerning the 6Ghz system in the U.S. allocating someone rights to operate in my area starting at the lowest part of U-NII 5 they might be offered to operate at? https://transition.fcc.gov/oet/ea/presentations/files/oct20/43-6-GHz.pdf As I read this document reference by Steve Coran perhaps out of date the 5.9 STA ends at 5925 yet U-NII 5 starts at 5925. If they are using a 450v also or perhaps an ePMP system if we believe coordination would be beneficial and we can agree upon things like 2.5 or 5 ms frame size, distance, etc., are there potential advantages in coordinating together, and if we do not how does that potentially negatively affect both our spectral efficiencies?

Assuming you’re in the USA, then the highest 40MHz 5.9STA channel that PMP450 allows you to operate on is 5875MHz.

In the lower 6GHz band, the lowest 40MHz channel that PMP450v allows you to operate on is 5945MHz (and this assumes that the AFC allows this).

Assuming that you’re using fixed TDD mode on your ePMP radios and a common sync source with PMP450 radios, you can synchronize them. Cambium provides some resources for helping you find common sync settings.

Is a 450v AP a PMP450?

In regards to my comments about the 5.9STA, I specifically mention PMP450 as a catch all or family name, because all PMP450 5GHz radios (including PMP450b, PMP450i, PMP450m, and PMP450v) can support the 5.9STA.

In regards to my comments about 6GHz, I specifically mention only PMP450v, because that is the only PMP450 model currently available that supports 6GHz.

I don’t use ePMP radios. That is why I said, “If they are using a 450v or perhaps an ePMP system”. If I was using an ePMP system I would have said I am using a ePMP system.

I’m not sure what you’re getting at. Maybe you’d like to rephrase your original question?

“If I operate a 450v AP at 5905 Mhz using a 40 Mhz channel what coordination concerns do I have concerning the 6Ghz system in the U.S. allocating someone rights to operate in my area starting at the lowest part of U-NII 5 they might be offered to operate at? https://transition.fcc.gov/oet/ea/presentations/files/oct20/43-6-GHz.pdf As I read this document reference by Steve Coran perhaps out of date the 5.9 STA ends at 5925 yet U-NII 5 starts at 5925. If they are using a 450v also or perhaps an ePMP system if we believe coordination would be beneficial and we can agree upon things like 2.5 or 5 ms frame size, distance, etc., are there potential advantages in coordinating together, and if we do not how does that potentially negatively affect both our spectral efficiencies?”

One, you can’t operate at 5905… and two this is not part of the lower 6GHz band, so the AFC would not authorize use on that channel.

Yes, there are advantages to synchronization.

If you cannot sync and the same or adjacent channels are used by competing radios, then interference will occur and performance will be reduced.

My STA grant IS NOT in agreement with the actions of WISPA, Steve Coran, or his law firm. While I must respect that potentially some of the people involved may have just been naive I firmly stand on the fact that many of the things they claimed about the potential benefits of the STA if someone had the experience I had were blatantly and intentionally deceitful. If you have questions about my STA grant you can direct them to either the FCC or Intelpath. While I recognize at this time usage of 5905 in the U.S. is not permitted I am also aware the actions of WISPA, Steve Coran, and his law firm may have been directly responsible for the inability to open up the STA band-up to 5925 which was the intent even with manufacturers other than Cambium Networks and their 450 gear making it clear their equipment was capable of operating beyond 5895 and many of them up to 5925. Respectfully, I am in a position to negotiate outside of the actions of many involved in the STA process and incumbent users such as some of the vehicle stuff and I find it highly probable while they cannot work with WISPA, Steve Coran, and his law firm, because of how they conduct themselves, it is nonetheless probable they would be willing to consider working with me.

Did we all miss a post, or did something get deleted? This post is “Coming in Hot” seemingly unprovoked.

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