It's going to be very difficult to provide 100mbps plans to any substantial number of clients using any manufacturer's wireless technology.
Your best bet is to start hanging PMP450m in 5GHz and hope that there are clean 40MHz channels available. You'll then need to try to keep installs within 2-3km and make sure that you have good signal and SnR. You'll want to use all newer 450b client radios. With this setup you should get around 1gbps of aggregate traffic at the AP, which should allow for around 10 clients (assuming they're all dispersed optimally in the coverage area to trigger MU-MIMO) to use their 100mbps at once without impacting each other.
When ePMP 3000 comes out here shortly, if you have clean 40 or 80MHz channels, and use the F300 clients you could start providing 100mbps plans. I don't have exact numbers because it's still in beta and being optimized, but you could possibly get 400mbps aggregate out of a 40MHz channel and perhaps double that with an 80MHz channels. This again assumes that you have optimal dispersion of clients within the coverage are to trigger MU-MIMO.
Last but not least... UBNT's LTU is currently not available for PtMP use, and has been repeatidly delayed going on 2 years now. Originally UBNT staff said that the AF5XHD would receive a firmware update to allow PtMP use, but that plan has been shelved and they've said they're going to have to make another LTU radio specifically for PtMP. LTU claims to have 20 bp/Hz efficiency, but this is for PtP use and assume that you can achieve stable 4096QAM, which is very difficult if not impossible in most realistic deployments. While data on LTU PtMP performance isn't available yet, typically a PtMP scheduler results in a lower bp/Hz due to overhead. This is in contrast to PMP450m 5GHz, a mature product that has shipped thousands of units, which can give you 60+ bp/Hz efficiency, and over time there will be additional optimization to squeeze even more bp/Hz out of it.
To give you some quick examples of what you'd need to deploy with LTU and PMP450m to provide 100mbps plans in a 90deg coverage area:
- Hang 3 LTU PtMP AP's and use 30deg horns to give you 90deg coverage area. This config would use 120MHz or more of spectrum (due to possibly needing guard bands) and require most clients to be within 1km or less to achieve 4096QAM.Â
- Hang 1 PMP450m 5GHz AP, which provides 90deg coverage area. This config would use 40MHz of spectrum and if clients are within the 3km 'sweet spot' you should be able to get most clients at or near the max modulation of 256QAM... which is far easier to attain in the real world then 4096QAM.
My question to you is why do you believe that your customers need 100mbps plans? We regularly compete with cable and DSL which claim to provide 600mbps and 300mbps respectively and our plans don't even come close to that. Our top tier plan is 20mbps, but we can provide custom plans up to around 50mbps. What we've found is that most consumers don't actually need 100mbps, let alone 50mbps. Instead we focus on quality of service, excellent tech support, being the "locals" choice, having unlimited data and no contracts, etc... all of these things resonate more with clients then an arbitrary mbps number that they may or may not actually need and that the provider might not actually be able to reliably deliver.