Use this tool to determine which channels may be available for use anywhere in the United States or Canada.
6 GHz unlicensed spectrum in the United States and Canada requires each radio to connect to the AFC (Automatic Frequency Coordination) service. This interface is included in each 6 GHz radio and reports back which channels are available at the location the radio is deployed.
Cambium’s 6 GHz Spectrum Availability Tool gives operators the ability to pre-check the channels available at any location of their choosing. Simply select the location where you intend to deploy 6 GHz and the tool responds with the channel and power level availability you could see when deploying the radio at that location.
The AFC tool has been integrated into the LinkPlanner tool.
You can access it using the following link.
Cool! This will be really nice to use.
I do have a question…
As I look at a location, I see one small range of frequencies (6078 Mhz to 6109 Mhz) where it shows that the AFC would set my power down a bit below 36 dbm.
That is with a 20 Mhz wide bandwidth.
If I change the bandwidth to 40 Mhz or more, it looks like the AFC would let me run more power in that same frequency range.
Why does it show this? If there’s someone licensed in that range, wouldn’t I have to avoid them, whether I’m using 20 Mhz bandwidth or 80 Mhz bandwidth?
Greetings, does the tool upgrade in real time? We have been using a part of the spectrum for a good couple months, and the AFC chart on doesn’t seem to acknowledge that there was a change.
Using as in…? you’ve gone through the steps to license a 6GHz PtP link through the FCC and it’s now been a number of months after you’ve confirmed the build out with the FCC… OR… you just hung some 6GHz AFC capable radios recently?
I would hope that at least in a jurisdiction, rules could be made and enforced that assert unless you are a wireless operator in our jurisdiction, you cannot operate using the AFC system, but frankly, it seems that could have been done with early ISM bands as they developed and the problem was the FCC decided to break international guidelines and allow the building out of ISM set aside frequencies networks against the ISM rules even in situations where the only intent seems to have been to block any WISP. Maybe things are changing. It would be hard for me to have a frank conversation with investors were I ever in a situation to do so and not tell them this 6Ghz AFC system seems to be another FCC and co. designed setup where they can destroy your investment without any consequences.