I’m servicing a few restaurants with Cambium WAPS. I need a captive portal for client information intake (email, phone number, names, etc). The solution should integrate seamlessly with our existing infrastructure. Could anyone provide information on suitable options?
There was someone on here selling that a while ago.
I also do a lot of restaurant networks. One group is all about that captive portal.
I break off a VLAN and SSID on the Cambium APs for it. They use a Mikrotik running a hotspot config that reports to their servers. I hook that Mikrotik into my switch and thats where that WLan is routed.
When you connect to the WiFi you get a Pretty landing screen that wants
Once you enter that it then asks you for your phone number.
Then it texts you a code that lets you finally get on the internet.
I see a ton of people connect and stop somewhere in the “DATA MINNING”.
A few months back the hotspot was broken by a new firmware. So I went to the site to try to chase it down. After we finally figured out the level of firmware that actually worked… I asked the managers to try using it.
They have their own SSID with EPSK that they use when onsite. They had never had “the customer experience”.
About 20 seconds into the process of joining… “WHO THE F–K WOULD GIVE UP ALL THIS INFO? This is what the customers see?”
Me, “Talk to marketing…”
Back to the question asked… LoyalPatron is the company they use.