Allow CNWave Networks to be moved in CNMaestro


So as we grow and start to install hundreds of V5000s, we are noticing that we can’t organize them very well. They stay stuck underneath our MAIN account without being able to move the 60ghz radios underneath the towers they are properly on in our network. This is starting to become impossible to look at and troubleshoot because it’s just 1 big list of hundreds of V5000s networks. We organize our CNMaestro by Divisions, then network type, then area, then main tower, then secondary towers, and then end devices. We have V5000s all the way down on Secondary towers for several PTMP connections. We would love to be able to keep our CNMaestro clean by being able to move the E2E networks under the tower they actually sit on. I put in a ticket asking if it was possible and they informed me to go ahead and post a topic here. So I figured, I might as well try!

This shows EVERY V5000 is just in a giant list under our division:

And this just kind of shows how we would like it arranged down the line (much like where you can put an AP like a Medusa or epmp3000 since we use these as PTMP on tower):

(Obviously trying to red-out names due to security and privacy)

Thank you for reading, all.
Have a great day!