Android closes captive portal before landing page

IOS devices correctly open the landing page configured in the one-click type Captive Portal, but Android devices immediately close it.
Does anyone know what is causing this behavior?


too old android or a Chinese phone that does not support such action

It seems to be a planned behavior in Android, I think it is more obvious in modern versions of Android.

I have no problems with Samsung, Oneplus, iPhone, Oppo phones. Minor problems with Huawei and Xioami. In them, you have to go to the browser, type any web address and then the WiFi network login page appears.
Security? Developer’s decision? Software bug?
I don’t know, that’s just how it works

Sorry, I have not reported that this happens to me on a Xirrus system,
maybe one of the filters in the Air-Cleaner package is involved.

I think what is happening is related to the “Bypass Captive Portal Detection” option in the Captive Guest Portal configuration in cnMaestro.

I am using the EasyPortal Captive Portal with Xirrus and this option does not appear in the configuration.