Approval of New cnMaestro User

Curious how long it takes to get a new users approved in cnMaestro? We’ve always been all using the same main admin login to cnMaestro, but have a new person to add and wanted to add them as a lower credential user for now (a Monitor user). I’ve created, and then realized there was a confirmation email sent, and now also see that it requires approval from someone on the ‘Account Approval Team’… so just wondering if I’m doing everything correctly and how long the approval takes? AND why this newly created email address is on a 'Restricted Party List’?

And yes, I have a Support Ticket open on that too - but I’ve never added a new cnMaestro user, so I’m not sure I’m contacting the correct people?

Sorry for the inconvenience. I believe this should be resolved by the end of the day.

I was hoping so too - but sadly still not.

Hello again. Now it’s Friday afternoon, and still not resolved. The last word I had was that my support ‘ticket was being escalated’, but it’s just a new account creation, so I’m not sure why it’s taking so long, or what I did incorrectly?

It’s not very comforting for our new employee, this account was created on Oct 21st - it’s now Nov 1st - so it’s awkward that we aren’t even able to create them a working account after this many days. :man_shrugging:

It feels like I must have done something wrong - so if someone could assist me, that would be swell.

OK - it’s now Tuesday Nov 5th. That’ll makes it over two weeks since I created this account for our new hire. I can only assume I’m doing something incorrectly? Or I’m somehow missing a step, or missing the loop somewhere on communication somehow? I have a Support Ticket #417643 open, and I’m told they will ‘keep me posted’ but still no solution as of today. :man_shrugging:

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