Backend welcome page

Hi all.
Is it possible to customize backend login page in cnMaestro (logo, background image, ecc… ecc…)?
I would like to activate (as option) 2FA authentication in cnMaestro ligin page. Is it on road map for next cnMaestro versions?


In my opinion, considering that this is a logo website for the needs of IT teams and not users, the cost of making such changes is too high in relation to the number of users who will use it.
Similarly with 2-step authentication. Cnmaestro in the on-premises version was created for users who do not have access to the Internet, i.e. closed local networks. If you want to provide access to such a network and have MFA, connect this instance to the cloud and MFA works there.
Adding MFA to on-premises versions is quite controversial. Almost no one will use it.
In your case, I recommend purchasing a cnMaestro-X license and using the cloud. All the functionalities you ask for have been there for a long time.