Backwards Compatibility

You need to be backwards compatible also. The newer products has new things in them , like XV2-21X, but it isn’t responding well with e400 . As they say it’s EOL. Still I have an infra to look at. You should define radios and be more precise , the config is done and the boxes are empty with no settings . So one can’t even remember if your into a single login. Locally.
Zero config IP are a pain, wwan errors . Wifi stops and gives 50/5 mins. 89-1min . Wifi goes down . I am unable to understand many things. Read your manuals but those are good to read only practically implementing need to connect to other wired infra. It won’t even show the lan side when I’ve not isolated… the guest portal passpoint should route in from the gateway and if we can aggregate the speeds won’t show on the AP as it takes only one way to route . Maybe the other router uses the second wan IP. It chose itself via the router or gateway.
Compatibility issues. Errors issues. Wifi disconnects. Not able to config Pakistan in the country code region due to which my config gets stuck and I have to check my xv2 alone.