Hello Everyone
I have some problem ,our company used many epmp 1000 device on point to point network.All device are good and stable but some device fall to factory default .WHY ?
Do you have clients that are power cycling their radios OR have poor power to the radios, like via solar? ePMP radios can be reset by power cycling. See THIS article for more information.
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It is woth to mention, that we can disable reset to default by power functionality on devices.
Tools->Backup/Restore->Reset Via Power Sequence = Disabled
In areas with often power outages, disabling that is recommended option.
It can be mass distributed setting as a template from cnMaestro:
---- start selection/copy from next line -----
"device_props": {
"powerSequenceFactoryDefault": "0"
---- finish selection/copy at line above -----
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