CBRS in FL Experience

First Post…
Considering adding CBRS to our network in FL. I’ve reviewed all the DPA maps, rules, etc. We are in the center of the state, 50-70 miles from each coast, not in a DPA. However the whole state is covered by Cat b e-DPA Neighborhoods.

Can anybody share experience in operating in GAA in this type of environment and do neighborhood grants typically get suspended regularly? Is there any way to understand or get a feel for the risk level of clients going offline and how often?


This will probably not work well for you as you’re still within 100mi of the coast, and I’m assuming there are probably not any large hills or mountains between you and the coast. I’d reach out to your Cambium Regional Sales Manager (RSM) to get feedback from operators he works with in your region.

Could somebody from Cambium be kind enough to tell me who the regional manager is for Florida and their contact info?

I called Cambium main sales a couple times today, was on hold for 10 minutes and then auto system asked me to leave a message…


I’ve PM’d your RSM’s contact information.

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Spoke with him.Thank you Eric! Your Awesome.


I am currently running a WISP on the east coast of Fla and running a single CBRS AP with several customers. I also manage as a CPI a CBRS system for a WISDP in the center of the state. Please feel free to reach out to discuss my experience with CBRS over the past 8 months.