CBRS is able to change the AP frequency and channel width automatically. We are trying to set up a monitor to alert when this happens. Is there a specific CBRS OID that monitors this?
Hello Kevin, I noticed your post about CBRS changing items automatically. Are you seeing this more common lately.
With the introduction of R20.1, Cambium introduced multi-grant support which allows the SAS to change the channel width and even the center channel of your AP based on certain conditions (e.g. PAL usage). cnMaestro reports these changes as well and will alert you of them.
Yes they are coming more frequently. Iām not particularly interested in maestro alerts. I was hoping there would be an OID that I could poll and monitor and have it alert the same way the rest of our network sends alerts.
Hi Kevin,
Did you get this issue resolved? I am fighting the same issue, and I need to set up an alert on our Librenms monitoring system. I would appreciate it if you shared your thoughts with me.
Yeah theres a cbrs status OID now
Cambium CBRS Status