Changing Mss Value in CnPilot Routers via cnMaestro


Just wondering if it's possible to change Mss Value in CnPilot Routers R190 or R201 via cnMaestro?

The template that we have setup can change WLAN settings such as SSID, security...etc. Also the other configuration part has Management, Radio and Network setup.

The router is sitting behind a private net which is from the UE.



The User-Defined Overrides section of an AP Group can be used to add configuration settings that are not already included in the UI.  For Mss Value add the following to the User-Defined Overrides text box with the desired value:


A full guide for using the User-Defined Overrides can be found at the below Knowlege Base article.  That article also goes into detail about how to set device-unique values using User-Defined Overrides.

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