Claiming AND Configuring Devices in Bulk in CnMaestro

Claiming AND Naming Devices in Bulk in CnMaestro. Possibly by means of importing a spreadsheet?

During large installations, we will claim many devices at once or in a short period. Each device needs to be configured with a hostname one at a time. With 100+ device installs configuring each device individually can be grueling.

How does this sound? Devices’ SNs can be scanned into a spreadsheet, then the desired hostnames can be entered next to the SN. Possibly even the desire site and AP group. That spreadsheet can then be imported as a way to claim the devices. As each AP comes online, CnMaestro detects and pushes the configs defined by the spreadsheet.

Perhaps this can be a way to rename already claimed devices in bulk as well. “Site A” gets sold and renamed to “Property B”. All those APs named with “Site A” as part of their hostname can all be changed to have “Property B” in their hostname quickly.