cmm micro error message

Hi everyone,

does anyone know what this error message from the CMM means:

12:35:24am : Sun Apr 02 2006 : File httpd.c : Line 3896 Idle web socket found
03:49:44pm : Sun Apr 02 2006 : File httpd.c : Line 3896 Idle web socket found

I haven’t seen this before but I’m 99 % sure this is just an information message, not a warning, not an error.

12:35:24am : Sun Apr 02 2006 : File httpd.c : Line 3896 Idle web socket found 

On April, Sunday 02 at 12:35 am the file httpd.c shows the message of 3986 line: Idle web socket found. I really think this is because there is an idle connection HTTP to your module from your computer or another (u can see it doing netstat on your PC).

Idle sockets normally means there is a connection between 2 hosts but there is no activity.

If you reboot your CMM that message should be off.

If I reebot it everything goes back to nomal. But the CMM keeps blocking himself 2 times a day - one in the morning and another one in the evening- everyday.

Any idea why this is happening??

amarriot, let’s talk in MSN

What is your CMM software version? Release 2.1.3 is the latest and it should solve the problem with the web interface locking.