Cn pilot enterprise no aparece splash page

Buen día, les comento que estoy teniendo problemas con CN maestro y Cn pilot por que estoy creando un Guest access portal pero no redirecciona. He creado mucho de estos portales en años anteriores pero ahora no me funciona. Ahi algo nuevo de deba realizarse a la configuración habitual que se trabajaba hace unos 2 años???

Hi Pedrosilva,

If its a cloud account, can you please invite to debug further and help you?


hi Raja,

We already invite you to the Cloud, I tell you that the problem is giving us mobile devices. The splash page does not display us, only on the computer.

any questions we stay tuned, thank you

Hi Pedrosilva,

Is that mobile device is under Association ACL?

Raja M

it is not flat it is associated by the ssid of the wifi network

Hi Pedrosilva,

I have disabled MAC auth fall back and made it to default setting. Can you please try now?

Raja M

good morning raja,

The portal is still not visible on the cell phone.

I;m have the same issue and support has been useless so far

hello raja,

I tell you that by carefully validating the inconvenience, on devices that are not Samsung and Iphone the portal is visible but on Samsung and Iphone the portal does not appear and I do not have navigation on those 2 types of devices. Can I add some extension or white list so that the portal is forced to these 2 devices?

Hi Pedrosilva,

You dont need to white list anything,

  1. Disable Google Social login and have only FREE guest access to make sure that it works.
  2. Once you connected the clients(Android, iPhone), just open the browser → try to manually open the http sites like,

Raja M

If you need a site that is guaranteed to be HTTP, not HTTPS, you could try:

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Gracias por el apoyo el problema ya fue resuelto por sus comentarios.


Hi Pedrosilva,

We are glad to hear that your issue is resolved.

Raja M