cnArcher iOS (ver 1.1.16)

Previous release notes available at cnArcher iOS version 1.1.9 Release Notes


What's New

   Blue Check 2.jpgInstallation Summary

Archive details of each installation by capturing installation and performance details at the time of installation.  This includes IP configuration details, aiming and link test results as well as photographs of the completed installation.  Excellent resource when troubleshooting previous installs.


   Blue Check 2.jpgWork Orders

Work orders can eliminate the need for the installer to manually type configuration details simplifying the job and reducing the possibility of errors.  Work orders contain all of the customer specific details needed at the time of installation.  Each work order has a physical address associated with it so it’s easy for an installer to select from a list of work orders when on site…. It will be the first in the list.    

Completed installation summaries can be accessed from the Work Orders section in the main menu.  All completed installation summaries are archived here, even if the job was run without using a work-order.

Work orders will eventually be supported in cnMaestro PRO.  For now, to see how they can be used, check out the following site for an example.

   Blue Check 2.jpgSoftware Update Devices

Click on the software update icon from the home screen to, optionally, update the device to your desired software version.  Software packages are stored locally on the mobile device so no need for internet connectivity to complete the job.


Known Issues

  • Work orders using AAA and and Phase-1 authentication scheme as "eapMSChapV2" are not supported yet.  The cnArcher UI correctly disables the Phase-2 scheme field, but then prevents the user from saving the work order, instead displaying a message “Please provide identity”.  (Issue #171)
  • Installation summary incorrectly displays the AAA username as the SM’s MAC address even if the installer has selected the “AAA Username” type to be a custom string rather than some form of the MAC address.  (Issue #165)
  • iPhone XS users may experience approximately a 10 second delay the first time the “Loading” graphic is displayed during an installation workflow.  (#192)

What's Coming Next?

  • Quick Align feature - Re-align already-deployed SMs, run link tests, photograph the install site and generate the summary without changing the SM’s existing configuration.
  • After that, support for ePMP SM installation
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