cnArcher v1.6.39 available for Android

cnArcher v1.6.39 is now available for Android in Playstore. To get the app, please go to the cnArcher page in the Play Store and install.

What’s New

cnArcher Install Summary is available in cnMaestro X

The cnArcher Installation summary of PMP SM is available in cnMaestro Cloud and OnPremises for cnMaestro X users from cnMaestro version 3.1.0. Installation Summary syncs automatically with cnMaestro when network connectivity is detected in Mobile.

cnArcher now supports ePMP Force 400/425

Quick align and Software update is supported for ePMP F400 and F425

ePMP/PMP beta software upgrade

User has provision to select the upgrade image file from phone storage.

cnRanger Fixes

  • SSR is shown in cnRanger alignment screen
  • Fixed the issue, cnArcher doesn’t detect Ranger SM while it’s in scanning mode.

@bhavyav8421 Any chance these can be accessed from the RestAPI (adding/viewing the install reports to/from cnmaestro)

@CSup There is a plan to allow API access to installation summary data in cnMaestro, but no committed release timeline yet. For improved visibility, you should post this question in the cnMaestro forum since this is a request for cnMaestro.