cnConcierge : mobile app for cnMaestro captive portal vouchers

The captive portal solution in cnMaestro supports voucher/passcode based Wi-Fi access. Users logging onto Wi-Fi are presented with a splash page to log onto the system, where they enter a personal voucher pass-code to get access to the Internet.

Administrators can also set up policies to control access based on traffic rate limits, time duration of access etc. These vouchers can be generated in bulk, exported to PDF or CSV, then distributed to end-users. This feature is supported on both the cloud as well as on-premises versions of cnMaestro.

cnConcierge enhances the usability and efficiency of this by making it quick and easy to generate and distribute the vouchers. Administrators no longer need to periodically export and print vouchers on papers. Using the cnConcierge mobile app you can easily send voucher codes to end users in four ways:

  • display the voucher code on the mobile device screen
  • print the voucher
  • send to the user to their email address
  • send to the user to their phone number as a text message.

This app is supported on both Android as well as Apple IOS and is now available for download in the respective app stores:

cnConcierge on iOS cnConcierge on Android