cnMaestro 5.2.0 (On-Premises) Release Notes


This document highlights new features and significant updates in cnMaestro On-Premises.

Important: OVA Upgrade
cnMaestro 5.2.0 On-Premises is distributed as an OVA file, which can be installed as a new Virtual Machine or used to update an existing installation running cnMaestro 5.0.0 or 5.1.0.

Download the OVA file from the Cambium Support Downloads page.

Important: System Backup
It is strongly recommended to take a System Backup prior to upgrading to 5.2.0. This can be done in the UI at Administration > Server > Operations. This is required if you ever want to downgrade to the previous version.

EasyPass Customizable Background and Custom Styling (CSS) X

EasyPass background images enhance the visual appearance of the design page. Users can upload an image or a pattern to create an engaging backdrop. The Page Background Image option is disabled by default.

Configure Background Image for EasyPass Portals

Navigate to Network Services > EasyPass > > Design > Background Image. Enable the ‘Page Background Image’ option and select an image file to upload.

Configure Content Background Opacity

Navigate to Network Services > EasyPass > > Design and customize the setting for ‘Content Background Opacity’.

Custom Styling

Graphical Reports Enhancements X

The following new graphical reports have been added:

  • Top 10 Applications by Usage
  • Top 10 Application’s Category by Usage

cnWave 5G fixed Features/Enhancements

Ping Test option is added under Tools for both BTS and CPE devices.

Azimuth and Antenna Tilt fields added for cnWave 5G fixed BTS.

Ability to select one or multiple CPEs for BTS Link Test.

60 GHz cnWave Interference Scan X

Interference Scan reveals neighbors with wireless settings that can negatively affect your network. It measures the level of interference a victim receiver sees. To run the Interference Scan, select a 60 GHz cnWave network on the Map page and click on the link for which you want to run the scan. The Details section on the right side of the Map page displays the selected link information. Click the triple dot icon ( ) next to the link name and select Interference Scan from the drop-down list.

Select the required victim node and click Start. If no interference is found, a pop-up message indicates the same.

Note: For the above feature, the E2E Controller and 60 GHz cnWave devices must run version 1.5 or later.

60 GHz cnWave Alarm Severity Change for Link Down

Starting with 5.2.0, the severity of the 60 GHz cnWave link down alarm has been upgraded from Minor to Major. This change applies only to the new alarms; the severity of the existing alarms will not change.

Software Upgrade for Fiber ONUs

Added support for ONUs software upgrade. To upgrade software for ONUs, navigate to Monitor and Manage > > OLT > Software Update and select ONU. Now select Hardware Type and list of devices needed for software upgrade.

UI Node Configuration for ONUs

A basic UI node configuration page is introduced for ONU devices which includes Description, Latitude, and Longitude. This can be configured under Monitor and Manage > > OLT > PON Port > ONU > > Configuration tab.

After configuring the Latitude and Longitude, the ONU appears on the Maps section of the ONU dashboard.

Company Information

When creating new cnMaestro accounts, users must provide Primary Contact Details and Company Details to improve Cambium customer support.

For existing cnMaestro Anchor accounts, the Update Company Information page will appear after login. Users have the option to update their details immediately or choose “Remind Me Later” to postpone the update. This information can also be modified anytime under Administration > Company Information

Create a New cnMaestro Account Page

The Primary Contact and Company Details information are required when creating a new cnMaestro account.

Company Information Page

They can be edited later in the Company Information page.

cnMatrix Enhancements

Added Spanning Tree Protocol Port Fast option to update spanning-tree port fast settings.

Note: For the above feature, cnMatrix devices must run on version 5.1 or later.

Added per Port Configuration BPDU filter under STP. BPDU filter can typically be configured with port fast.

Removed static VLAN memberships when a PBA policy is applied to the port.

Audit Logs History Increased to 3 Months X

The Audit Logs history has been extended to 3 months. An Audit Logs option is added to Data Reports, allowing Audit Logs to be downloaded for a custom time range of up to 3 months.

cnMaestro Firewall

This feature enables administrators to manage and restrict incoming traffic by creating rules based on IP subnets. By default, all traffic is allowed unless specific Allow rules are configured. Enabling the Firewall ensures only the traffic from authorized subnets can access management, APIs, captive portals, and other services. This feature provides administrators with greater control and security against unauthorized access.

Enable Firewall

Navigate to Administration > Settings > Firewall and Click Enable Firewall to enable this feature.

Configure Firewall Settings

Select the service (for example, Management, API, SSH), choose the appropriate permission type, and save the changes. Below are the permission types:

  • Allow All: This option permits all incoming traffic without any restrictions.
  • Allow None: This option blocks all incoming traffic entirely.
  • Allow Only: This option restricts access, permitting traffic only from specified IP addresses or subnets.

Warning Message in UI and Console when Enabling SSH

SSH is available for maintenance and should not be enabled continually in cnMaestro. A warning message is added to the UI and Console highlighting enabling SSH is not recommended.

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Removed Export All as CSV under Audit Logs

Deprecated Export Page as PDF throughout cnMaestro

Search Filter Option for Audit Logs Description

Bonjour Gateway Configuration Changes

All Services and Chromecast options under Protocol while adding Wi-Fi Profiles > AP Groups > Services > Add Bonjour Gateway.

While Adding Bonjour Gateway, the From VLAN and To VLAN options are renamed to Service VLAN and Client VLAN, respectively.

Reports Enhancements X

Added ‘Wi-Fi Events’ as a new option under the Reports ‘Type’ category, with downloadable data available for up to 7 days.

Renamed Clients to Wireless Clients

Severity Change for Configuration Failed Alarms

The severity of the configuration failed alarm has been upgraded from Minor to Major. This change applies only to the new alarms; the severity of the existing alarms will not change.

Pagination Support of 50 and 100 in Reports X

Added 50 and 100 pagination support under Report > Scheduled/Completed and Administration > Jobs > Report.

RADIUS Proxy Feature Moved to Essentials

The Proxy RADIUS through cnMaestro feature has been moved to Essentials and will no longer require a cnMaestro X subscription.

Restricting RESTful API Client Secret Download at the Creation X

The Client Secret for RESTful APIs will only be available for download at the time of creation. It must be securely stored for future use.

API Updates X

The Swagger documentation for the RESTful API is available at:

Request Method Path Details
GET /api/v2/devices The deprecated field ‘ap_group’ has been removed in release 5.2.0. Please use the ‘profile_attached’ key as a replacement.
Device Performance API
GET /api/v2/devices/{mac}/performance The deprecated fields rx, tx, max_rx, min_rx, max_tx, min_tx have been removed in release 5.2.0. Please use the fields rx_bps, tx_bps, max_rx_bps, min_rx_bps, max_tx_bps min_tx_bps as a replacement.
Device API
GET /api/v2/devices The deprecated field 'Location.type’ has been removed in cnMaestro release 5.2.0.
GET /api/v2/devices The deprecated field ‘status’ has been removed in release 5.2.0. Please use the ‘online’ key as a replacement.
Wi-Fi Enterprise
GET /devices/clients The ap_mac field is deprecated and replaced with a new generic term, device_mac, to accommodate other non-Wi-Fi device types, such as NSE. For a similar reason, rx_bytes and tx_bytes fields have also been taken out of the radio property of an AP device. These deprecations will be removed in cnMaestro release 5.3.0.
GET /devices/wired_clients The ap_mac field is deprecated and replaced with a new generic term, device_mac, to accommodate other non-Wi-Fi device types, such as NSE. This deprecation will be removed in cnMaestro release 5.3.0.
Guest Access API
GET /portals This is deprecated in release 5.2.0 and will be removed in release 5.4.0. Please use /api/v2/easypass instead.
GET /portals/{portalName} This is deprecated in release 5.2.0 and will be removed in release 5.4.0. Please use /api/v2/easypass/{portalName} instead.
GET /portals/{portalName}/events This is deprecated in release 5.2.0 and will be removed in release 5.4.0. Please use /api/v2/easypass/{portalName}/sessions/login_events instead.
PUT /portals/{portalName}/whitelist This is deprecated in release 5.2.0 and will be removed in release 5.4.0. Please use /api/v2/easypass/{portalName}/configuration/allowed_domains instead.
GET /portals/{portalName}/voucher_plans This is deprecated in release 5.2.0 and will be removed in release 5.4.0. Please use /api/v2/easypass/{portalName}/voucher_plans instead.
GET /portals/{portalName}/vouchers/{voucherPlan} This is deprecated in release 5.2.0 and will be removed in release 5.4.0. Please use /api/v2/easypass/{portalName}/voucher_plans/{voucherPlan}/vouchers instead.
POST /portals/{portalName}/vouchers/{voucherPlan}/generate This is deprecated in release 5.2.0 and will be removed in release 5.4.0. please use /api/v2/easypass/{portalName}/voucher_plans/{voucherPlan}/vouchers/generate instead.

Update Notice for Existing APIs

Request Method Path Details
POST /api/v2/devices Device claim will send different error message for subscription related errors. Added location override support for Enterprise Wi-Fi and cnMatrix devices.
PUT /api/v2/devices/{mac} Added location override support for Enterprise Wi-Fi and cnMatrix devices.
GET /api/v2/devices The ap_group param has been changed to profile_attached.
GET /api/v2/devices Added support of NSE devices
POST /api/v2/devices Added support for NSE devices
PUT /api/v2/devices Added support for NSE devices
POST /api/v2/devices Added Switch Group and model support for onboarding cnMatrix devices.
PUT /api/v2/devices Added Switch Group and model support for onboarding cnMatrix devices.
Access Control Policy
POST /api/v2/wifi_enterprise/access_control Added support to configure ACP category, application, source and destination ports, traffic shaping, limit traffic and schedule options.
PUT /api/v2/wifi_enterprise/access_control/{acp_name} Added support to configure ACP category, application, source and destination ports, traffic shaping, limit traffic and schedule options.
GET /api/v2/networks/{network_id}/sites /api/v2/networks/{network_id}/sites/{site_id} Added new field for site type.
POST /api/v2/networks/{network_id}/site Accepts new field for site type.
Switch Groups
POST /api/v2/cnmatrix/switch_groups The time zone field is now mandatory.
GET /api/v2/cnmatrix/switch_groups_ports/{switch_group_name} Added STP priority field.
PUT /api/v2/cnmatrix/ports Accepts STP priority configuration.

New APIs

Request Method Path Details
GET /easypass/portal Retrieve the EasyPass Portal list.
GET /easypass/portal/{portalName} Retrieve details of an EasyPass portal.
PUT /easypass/portal/{portalName}/configuration/whitelist Update Pre-Login Allowed Domains of an EasyPass Portal.
GET /easypass/guest Fetch guests associated with the EasyPass Portal.
POST /easypass/guest Create guests under the EasyPass Portal.
PUT /easypass/guest/{email} Update a guest’s information by email under the EasyPass Portal.
DELETE /easypass/guest/{email} Delete a guest by email under the EasyPass Portal.
PUT /easypass/guest/{email}/enable_access Enable access for a guest by email under the EasyPass Portal.
PUT /easypass/guest/{email}/disable_access Disable access for a guest by email under the EasyPass Portal.
PUT /easypass/guest/{email}/extend_session Extending a guest’s session by email under the EasyPass Portal.
PUT /easypass/guest/{email}/reset_password Reset a guest’s password by email under the EasyPass Portal.
GET /easypass/portal/{portalName}/voucher_plans Retrieve Voucher Plans under the EasyPass Portal.
GET /easypass/portal/{portalName}/voucher_plans/{voucherPlan}/vouchers Retrieve Vouchers under specific Voucher Plans in the EasyPass Portal.
PUT /easypass/portal/{portalName}/voucher_plans/{voucherPlan}/vouchers/remove Delete Vouchers under specific Voucher Plans in the EasyPass Portal.
PUT /easypass/portal/{portalName}/voucher_plans/{voucherPlan}/vouchers/generate Generate Vouchers under specific Voucher Plans in the EasyPass Portal.
PUT /easypass/portal/{portalName}/voucher_plans/{voucherPlan}/vouchers/expired Delete expired Vouchers under specific Voucher Plans in the EasyPass Portal.
GET /easypass/portal/{portalName}/users Retrieve Users under the EasyPass Portal.
PUT /easypass/portal/{portalName}/users/remove Delete Users under the EasyPass Portal.
GET /easypass/portal/{portalName}/paid_transactions Retrieve paid transactions under the EasyPass Portal.
GET /easypass/portal/{portalName}/sessions/clients Retrieve Sessions under the EasyPass Portal.
GET /easypass/portal/{portalName}/sessions/login_events Retrieve session login events under the EasyPass Portal.
POST /ext-portals/login Login support for external portal.
POST /ext-portals/logout Logout support for external portal.
Enterprise Wi-Fi
GET /devices/clients/summary Retrieve client summary for the system-level hierarchy, with network and site filters, over the last 7 days.

Supported Cambium Products

cnMaestro supports the following Cambium Networks products. The software versions are the minimum required to use cnMaestro (not the recommended versions).

Family Model Version
60 GHz cnWave V1000 1.0
V2000 1.2.2-beta3
V3000 1.0
V5000 1.0
cnMatrix EX2K/EX1K 2.0.4-r1
EX3K 5.0.1
EX3024-F 6.0-r2
cnPilot Home cnPilot R200, R200P 4.4.2-R2
cnPilot R201, R201P 4.4.2-R2
cnPilot R190V, R190W 4.4.2-R2
cnPilot R195P 4.5.2
cnPilot R195W 4.7
cnRanger Sierra 800
Tyndall 101
Tyndall 201
cnReach N500 5.2.17e
cnVision Hub 360r, FLEXr 4.6
Client Micro, Mini, Maxr 4.6
cnWave 5G Fixed B1000 (BTS) 2.0
C100 (CPE) 2.0
Edge Controller N/A 1.0.0
Enterprise Wi-Fi cnPilot e400/e500 2.5.2-r3
cnPilot e410/e430w/e600 3.5.2-R4
cnPilot e501S/e502S 3.2.1-r6
cnPilot e700 3.8
cnPilot e425/e505 4.0-r17
cnPilot e510 3.11.4-r9
XE3-4 6.4
XE3-4TN 6.5.1
XE5-8 6.4.1-r15
XV2-2 6.1
XV2-2T0 6.4
XV2-2T1 6.4.1-r15
XV2-21X 6.5
XV2-22H 6.5
XV2-23T 6.5
XV3-8 6.0
X7-35X 7.0-b14
ePMP 1000 Hotspot ePMP 1000 Hotspot 2.5.2-r3
ePMP ePMP 1000, Force 180/200 2.6.2
ePMP 2000 3.0.1
ePMP Elevate XM/XW 3.2
ePMP Force 190 3.5
ePMP Force 300 4.1
ePMP PTP 550 4.1.1
ePMP Force 130 5 GHz 4.3.2
ePMP 3000L 4.3.2
ePMP Force 130 2.4 GHz 4.4
ePMP Force 300-19, 19R, 13 4.4
ePMP 3000 4.4.1
ePMP PTP 550 E 4.4.2
ePMP MP 3000 4.5
ePMP Force 300-13L 4.5.2
ePMP Force 300-13LC, 22L, 25L 4.6
ePMP Force 200L 4.7.0
ePMP 4000, Force 400 GPS, 400 CSM, 425 5.1.0
ePMP 4600, ePMP4600L, ePMP Force 4600C, ePMP Force 4525, ePMP Force 4500, ePMP Force 4625 5.4.0
NSE NSE 3000 1.2-b5
PMP PMP 450i, PMP 450, PMP 450m, PMP 430 SM 22.1.2
PTP 450, and PTP 450i 22.1.2
MicroPoP Omni/Sector 22.1.2
PMP 450v 23.0
PON TCX16 - 16 port OLT 1.1.0
TCX08 - 8 port OLT
SGX00 - Indoor GPON ONT
SGT00 - Outdoor GPON ONT
SXT00 - Outdoor XGSPON ONT
PTP PTP 650 01-47
PTP 670 (650 Emulation) 01-47
PTP 670, PTP 700 02-67
PTP 820/850 PTP 820C, 820E, 820F, 820G, 820S 11.9
PTP 850C, 850E 11.9
RV22 Home Mesh RV22 Home Mesh 1.0
Xirrus (Enterprise Wi-Fi) XA4-240 8.7.0
XD2-230 8.7.0
XD2-240 8.7.0
XD4-130 8.7.0
XH2-120 8.7.0
XH2-240 8.7.0
XR-620 8.7.0
XR-630 8.7.0
XR-2226 8.7.0
XR-2236 8.7.0
XR-2247 8.7.0
XR-2426 8.7.0
XR-2436 8.7.0
XR-2447 8.7.0
XR-4426 8.7.0
XR-4436 8.7.0
XR-4447 8.7.0

Supported Browsers

cnMaestro supports the following browsers:

Platform Browser Version
Linux Firefox 45 and above
Chrome 49 and above
MacOS Safari 9 and above
MS Windows Microsoft Edge 44.17763.1.0
Firefox 45 and above
Chrome 49 and above

Significant Fixes

The following issues have been fixed:

Id Details
CNSSNG-27160 Existing false PPPoE Tunnel Critical alarm need to be manually cleared.
CNSSNG-34003 cnMaestro falsely displays links as offline for 4 seconds, even though there were no link flaps.
CNSSNG-38256 cnMaestro X - Client Login Events disappear after 7 days.
CNSSNG-39001 “User” field empty in client session report.
CNSSNG-40208 Device name is getting changed after pushing any template via cnMaestro.
CNSSNG-40381 Delete shared AP group from MSP account shows incorrect error message.
CNSSNG-40541 Incorrect information shown under Throughput graph.
CNSSNG-40584 On the Mesh Peer page, the End Host and Hostname fields are empty.
CNSSNG-40838 PTP8xx device information/details to include part number.
CNSSNG-40896 EasyPass Vouchers - Export current page not showing all the vouchers.
CNSSNG-41541 PMP 450 and PMP 450i not showing the Last Backup when they are offline.
CNSSNG-41678 Reports are not sent via email
CNSSNG-41910 Graphical Report for Top 10 Clients by Traffic Usage missing some usernames.
CNSSNG-42056 Aggregator has an hourly data point missing.
CNSSNG-42573 Manually assigning hostname to X7-35X does not update AP config.
CNSSNG-42578 WLAN dashboard issues observed.
CNSSNG-42626 In clients tab username filter is not functioning for historical data.
CNSSNG-42648 Issue in NBI PUT API for cnwave60 sites when longitude values are beyond (±)90.
CNSSNG-42823 CBRS domain proxy view does not sort as per last heartbeat.
CNSSNG-43046 Switch ports configuration API changes are not reflected immediately.
CNSSNG-43160 Scheduled report not emailed to recipient.
CNSSNG-43206 Radio id showing zero for disconnected clients.
CNSSNG-43376 Dynamic PBA VLANs shown in wrong order.
CNSSNG-44065 Unable to clone AP Group in MSP tenant account.
CNSSNG-44535 On client dashboards we see random numbers on roaming history’s duration.
CNSSNG-44702 PVID in PBA action is not applied to the port
LOKI-5679 Scaling PVRST from 32 to 64 VLANs.
LOKI-5726 MSTP priority cannot be modified in the switch overrides.
LOKI-5652 DHCP Pool options 21 and 33 don’t accept white spaces.
LOKI-5751 The MST configuration from override is still there after disabling and synchronizing with the Switch Group.
LOKI-5760 Disable port spanning tree does not work in MSTP mode.
LOKI-5779 config sync fails when spanning tree is disabled on the port in PVRSTP mode.

Known Issues

The following issues exist:

Id Issue Details
CNSSNG-11299 AP Regulatory Channel list support check needed for checking valid channels.
CNSSNG-11389 Microsoft Edge Browser does not support system OVA file upgrade. Workaround : Use the Google Chrome browser
CNSSNG-12812 cnPilot R-series dual radio devices (r-201P, r-195W) AP Group country code/SSID configured from overrides getting applied only to 2.4 GHz radio.
CNSSNG-14030 CBRS race condition: SM “stuck” in cnMaestro during reparenting if import and start occurs as SMs arrive in onboarding queue. Workaround : To avoid this issue, follow the suggested SM reparenting procedures listed in the latest version of Cambium CBRS standalone procedures document.
CNSSNG-14518 Device Type selection needs to be provided at Site and AP Group for Report generation.
CNSSNG-15356 If a device has a weak serial number in a non-CBRS build, and the sector is imported first, the device will not contact cnMaestro.
CNSSNG-15432 Deleting a device in Base Infrastructure and claiming it immediately to another Managed Account returns Device Registration Failed message.
CNSSNG-15595 cnMatrix Hostname falls back to old Hostname if the template is pushed for the first time (if a Switch Group already exists).
CNSSNG-15656 Duplicate entries observed in 802.11ax Clients Report.
CNSSNG-16197 CBSDID search will not work when device was synced from tool without obtaining grant first. Workaround : Perform CBSDID search from domain proxy view on Cloud to obtain mac address, then perform MAC address search on tool to find the device.
CNSSNG-18856 cnVision Client is not shown under hub. Workaround : Reboot the Client
CNSSNG-18923 After migration Reports Job page is empty due to cached data. Workaround : Clear Cache and Cookies after migration.
CNSSNG-18927 The configuration push from the Onboarding page is getting device timeout error in ePMP 1000 Hotspot device.
CNSSNG-19264 Unmanaged expired device approve button is not disabled.
CNSSNG-19275 Issues related to offline alarms of expired devices.
CNSSNG-20508 Last Super Administrator deletion should be shown proper error message.
CNSSNG-20605 User-Defined Overrides (Advanced) should be handled from Switch Groups > Switches > Actions > Configuration tab.
CNSSNG-20745 AP Count is -1 in Anchor when deregistering the device from Anchor.
CNSSNG-20820 After server upgrade, device throws error [Invalid CBSD ID and Grant ID], even though the Domain Proxy shows the device is registered.
CNSSNG-21068 Not able to deregister or delete the SM when PMAC mismatched (SM reported different PMAC). Workaround: Reinitialize the SM from inside the sector of the AP, not by directly searching for the SM in the tool; then deregister and delete the device.
CNSSNG-21264 Auto refresh does not work when Site/Tower/Device details are updated in Network level map.
CNSSNG-21271 SM status is missing in AP details on map.
CNSSNG-21345 RF Statistics related information should not be available in reports for XV type device.
CNSSNG-21396 Issues related to cnMatrix onboarding overrides.
CNSSNG-23732 Min Data Rate and Multicast Data Rate configuration push always sets default for both bands.
CNSSNG-24529 Multi-floor issue with Firefox browser.
CNSSNG-24823 Device overrides and config apply will not work after Migration from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1 due to cache.
CNSSNG-25150 AOS device Configuration Job times out if Device is in DHCP.
CNSSNG-25238 AOS device WebSocket does not disconnect for an X account downgraded to Pure ESS after Retention expired.
CNSSNG-25758 Able to see cnPilot R-series AP Groups in Enterprise View.
CNSSNG-28140 Graphs alignment issues when menu bar is expanded.
CNSSNG-28151 Total device count and count displayed in Recommended Software metrics do not match.
CNSSNG-28282 Scheduled Reports for Expired device is completed.
CNSSNG-28326 AP Groups/Sites/Towers list all types of devices while generating reports.
CNSSNG-28544 While moving from one managed account to another, PTP device details are not updated properly.
CNSSNG-30696 Changes required if the IKE version 1 is selected.
CNSSNG-31613 Reporting layer memory usage.
CNSSNG-33442 Audit logs are not generated while creating graphical report templates.
CNSSNG-33660 The template should have a scroll bar.
CNSSNG-33861 Completed reports should transfer to Completed column immediately when the jobs complete.
CNSSNG-33908 PMP performance reports have some fields missing.
CNSSNG-36717 Assist is not showing any report for CPE until manual support.
CNSSNG-36723 Enabling Show Interfering Sectors should not display all the towers under the network.
CNSSNG-36782 Home sites are not listed while moving devices from inventory page.
CNSSNG-36849 Chile time zone is missing.
CNSSNG-36850 Issue with Device going out of sync with PPPoE connection.
CNSSNG-38801 Device not moving to correct site/SM when changing subscriber.
CNSSNG-39026 Remaining time is wrong for End of Day (Midnight) and End of Week (Saturday) for session duration.
CNSSNG-39687 Device limit exceeded page is not shown when max client count is reached with Microsoft Azure + GA.
CNSSNG-41359 Incorrect supported channel getting listed for radios for device XV3-8 family.
CNSSNG-41503 Unable to see “POWER BOOTLOOP detected” event.
CNSSNG-41725 When clicking on the count of Alarms in tools, navigate to Notification>Alarms, but the filter is not applied based on the severity.
CNSSNG-41870 Reboot from tree menu displays error: “Failed to send Reboot command to device(s)” for PTP8xx devices.
CNSSNG-44541 Easypass design page preview is not displaying the configured Logo and background.
CNSSNG-44684 Critical alarm counter is incorrect when cnWave 60GHz E2E network is moved from one MSP to another.
CNSSNG-44790 Moving Tower/Site from one Network to another within same MSP is creating incorrect alarm count.
CNSSNG-44805 ‘Download from cnMaestro Cloud’ radio button for Package is disabled on browser hard refresh.

Where to Get Help

There are several places to get help with cnMaestro.

Cambium Community : The cnMaestro Forum provides the best place to ask questions and get up-to-date information.

Cambium Support : The Cambium Support team is available 24x7 to answer questions and resolve issues.