cnMaestro and epmp3000 and r195w

Hi all just having an odd occurance... on cnMaestro the customer SM is online and the router is online but in Maestro in the tool tab between the force 300 and the router is shows "DN" as in down but yet they are both online and I can get to either web UI.  Now I cannot log into the r195 router, I can get to the router login screen from maestro but when trying to log in I get a message..

Unable to login from the Internet side with the default password.
Login for the Local side, navigate to Administration -> Management and change your admin password.


Sorry for incovience,

we hope your cnPilot Home R195W device has 4.6-R16 build and from this build this is expected change (same thing mentioned in the Release Notes of 4.6-R16 build).

Now you can do two things ,

1. Please Login to device from LAN side and then Navigate to Administration -> Management and change your admin password.
2. If the device is onboarded to cnMaestro, you can configure the password from AP Groups > Management >Administrator Access > New Password.

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