cnMaestro Default Device Type

i have a suggestion for cnMaestro

Currently when you open the devices tab (configure > devices) or the Templates (configure > templates) you either have the "Device Type:" as ePMP (Sectors) for the devices tab or All for the templates one. i have attached an image to show the devices one.

Now my suggestion is could there please be a way to set those dropdowns to a different default? maybe have a set as default button or link next to it so you can select your device then set it as the default and cnMaestro would remember that for future visits.

The reason is I only have E400's in my network, so every time i go into the devices tab i have to click the dropdown arrow then click on the E400/E500 name. and similar for the templates tab.

I think it would be on a per user basis and the user could select their desired default device and there be a "Set As Default" buttor or link next to it. It’s just about making cnMaestro more user friendly for users of different products.

