cnMaestro SM Auto test with Logs


Please add an auto-test feature to cnMaestro.

Prerequisites for SM’s
Ability to Perform and see AP Evals in cnMaestro
Ability to set Color Codes in cnMaestro
Ability to set Threshold for test, ie. Max AP Power Level -75.
Ability to see Spatial Utilization, would be nice to have this on a schedule to capture peak hours usage.

Auto-Test Feature -
Will run All Programmed Color Codes, perform tests and log data.
Data to Log,
Link Test
QAM - prefer average over min-max
Very Import, perhaps the biggest feature I would like to have.
Log Spatial “X” - Per 450m
As this will allow knowing which bucket the SM will be in per AP.
Add anything else you can think of, but make sure it’s all selectable

Add a setting for max stuck sessions, and force to 2nd color code in SM after X amount of tries.
Add Alarm for this.
As any connection is better then no connection.

Pretty good idea, not reading fully but the idea to take a bunch of metrics and report on them again.

Seems like we all just need more data. We can handle a lot of historic data (10+ tb)

Storage is cheap enough that this would be important data if it helps the customer experience.

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