CNMeastro not working on new PC via Virtualbox

Hi, i am using Virtualbox to run cnmaestro on prem. I am installed a new Windows 11 Pro, Intel i7 14900K,64GB DDR4 3200mhz. Exported to ova and important to new server.

Now when i run Virtaul machine, cnmaestro not working. Tried fresh install, the same.

I’m running almost the exact same setup. Win 11 desktop, I7, 32 GB Ram, virtual box, and I’m running both cnMaestro on-prem, and cnWave E2E controller on this machine. You need to have a cnMaestro cloud anchor account, so the virtual machine needs to have internet access to reach the cloud. Other than that, the defaults that are setup on import of the OVA file are good enough…I never change those.

What do you mean by “not working”? Does the VM boot at all? What error message do you see?

VM is booting up nicely, can login into shell. but as soon as i login on portal, i get a message" server unavailable". It would seem the services are not booting.

I have checked CPU BIOS Settings - virtualization is enabled

Assuming you’ve followed all the instructions under “Configure cnMaestro networking” in the user guide, I wonder if some security software in Windows itself is preventing you from accessing the network interface of the VM.