CnPilot Band steering

Good day,

just wanted to know if there is a way to configure Band steering on the CnPilot Routers? i cant find an option or is it automatically enabled?

Welcome to the community, Jon.

Band steering is enabled in the AP group in cnMaestro. The system is designed such that you create the WLAN’s in cnMaestro, in the AP group section. Then you create the AP group, which includes band steering, auto RF, auto Power level, etc, and apply the WLAN’s (the SSID’s, VLAN’s used, etc) Finally, you either onboard the AP’s into the AP Group, or if you have already onboarded them, you apply the AP Group to the AP. The AP Group / WLAN configuration is pushed out to the AP. When the configuration on the AP matches the configuration in the AP group, the status says synchronized.

I hope this helps,