cnPilot Home Wi-Fi Release 4.7.3 - Highlights

The latest Cambium cnPilot Home Wi-Fi release 4.7.3 has been released. Firmware and all the documents are uploaded on the support site for supported platforms on the following links:

This is a maintenance release which contains several important bug fixes listed below -

Tracking ID Product Description
RBN-409 All Default route installation failed if PPPoE is enabled over IPv6.
RBN-654 All LAN port was flapping.
RBN-697 All HTTPS redirection during login did not work with IPv6 address.
RBN-720 All GUI was not accessible if HTTP/HTTP(s) mode is selected.
RBN-863 All Device supports other than default netmask /24.
RBN-889 All Deny call to any number that is less than four digits.
RBN-1033 All DNS fail over related issues.
RBN-1081 All PPPoE re-connection failed if the device configured in dual stack mode.
RBN-1114 All Configuration issues related to EZUI.
RBN-1135 All Radio failed to initialize if scheduled access is disabled.
RBN-1142 r201P Call termination failed even if voice call recording is complete.
RBN-1149 All Could not disable radio via cnMaestro config push.
RBN-1150 All Multi WLAN profile configuration support in EZUI.
RBN-1153 All End-to-End connectivity issue when station obtains IPv6 address.
RBN-1154 All SIP audio codec parameter to GUI did not match.
RBN-1159 r195W Resolved the WI-Fi connectivity issues.
RBN-1171 All Provisioning to be triggered only after system learns DNS servers.
RBN-1185 r201P Multicast was not working over NAT.
RBN-1190 All Need port forward supported using TR069. An error code 9002 found while creating a new port forward rule.
RBN-1192 All Issues were there in Eazy UI configuration update.
RBN-1193 All Wrong information for LAN host was displayed when the raspberry client connected to LAN port.
RBN-1195 r195W TCP MSS clamping support for PPPoE connection.
RBN-1196 r201/r195P Constant Reboots/Disconnects.
RBN-1225 r195W False event was occurred for the LAN port up/down.
RBN-1233 All IP_Whitelist with Port-Forward rule.
RBN-1235 r201/r201P PPPoE disconnected frequently.
RBN-1251 All Aggregation and fragmentation security patch.
RBN-1262 All SIP packets NAT translation failed if it was connected to LAN ports.