cnPilot Home Wi-Fi Release 4.7.5 - Highlights

The latest Cambium cnPilot Home Wi-Fi release 4.7.5 is a maintenance release. Firmware and all the documents are uploaded on the support site for supported platforms on the following links:

Following two important issues have been fixed in this release -

Tracking ID Product Description
RBN-1392 r190W, r190V, r195W, r195P, r200, r200P Multiple connectivity issues caused in LAN and WAN connections due to less memory space.
RBN-1393 r190W, r190V, r195W, r195P, r200, r200P Software upgrades and configuration changes were getting failed due to no space on device.
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I am seeing these events in the event logs using CnMaestro. This only happens with the 195ps. The 201ps do not do this? Anyone else?

We are seeing similar issues with random wifi disconnects. We are likely going to role back to 4.7.2R10 at this point as it appears to be the most stable.