cnPilot Home Wi-Fi Release 4.8.1

The latest Cambium cnPilot Home Wi-Fi release 4.8.1 is a maintenance release. Firmware and all the documents are uploaded on the support site for supported platforms on the following links:


Issues Resolved

Tracking ID Platform Description
RBN-1194 r200, r200P, r190W, r190V, r195W, r195P If the DHCP license was expired, then r190W was showing as offline, and the routers were not correctly handling the DNS server changes that were offered to them.
RBN-1474 All PPPoE process was terminated when the WAN link was down for several hours.
RBN-1478 All For disconnected clients and expired licenses, DHCP license was not removed after reboot.
RBN-1482 All WAN client did not send a renewal request at half-time of license duration, but randomly sent a duplicate DHCP Renew Request.
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Any word on when RBN-462 is fixed? I feel like that’s a pretty big issue to let slide into a maintenance update…