CNS Server erro "Device Polling".

Sorry for I'm writing English by Google Translate.
I'm from Brazil and I'm using  many links and monitoring by "CNS Server", and the one month'm having problems in a specific link, monitoring is giving error in the "Device Polling" in Access Point is 23/25 and Subscriber Module 24/25.

This may be interference or configuration error?

From the first glance I noticed the  poling errors 23/25 to the AP.  Are the AP's accessed from CNS through a wired and or wireless link?  How many hops are between the CNS server and AP.  Being only 1 AP is seeing this issue it may be easier to isolate the issue.  I would look at the network between the CNS server and AP to see if there are packets being dropped and eliminate areas of the network shared with other AP's.  Being the SM is on the other side of the AP from the CNS server if polling is failing to the AP it will fail to the SM also.  Everything in the pie charts is green or grey(informational).  Double click the grey area to look at the messages which I am guessing will likely be polling failed.  

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