cns server - unable to delete rows

Good morning everyone,

I'm unable to delete devices out of the discover tab in CNS. (

I get an error 'failed to delete 27 row(s)'

Has anyone seen this before or know how to resolve it?

I'm guessing it's something with the database I need to cleanup or compact, but besides what is available within CNS I'm not seeing any other options.

I'm also seeing a lot of these errors in the logs.

2019-04-18 08:17:05,294 ERROR TopologyDAO.addTolinkTable(): Exception occurred: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "links_pkey"
  Detail: Key (parent_id, child_id)=(00:04:56:C9:A0:F3, 00:04:56:FE:FE:F9) already exists.
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "links_pkey"

Thanks in advance for you feedback,


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